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Cool Sculpting

  • How many times do you have to do Cool Sculpting?

    Depending on the area you decide to treat, the recommended would be two treatments per area. Each treatment will take up to 60mins. Results are permanent but some people choose to have additional treatments to remove more fat cells.

  • Is Cool Sculpting painful?

    It is possible that the treatment is pain free due to the numbness caused by the cooling sensations from the feezing applicator used during the procedure. After the procedure you may experience pain along with swelling and itchiness.

  • Do you lose weight with cool sculpting?

    It won’t help you lose a ton of weight. Simular to liposuction it is more spot treating than delivering a full body slim down.

Cryoliopolysis treatment popularly known as Cool Sculpting, is a non-invasive local reduction of fat deposits to reshape body contours.

This cool sculpting fat reduction treatment targets the breaking down of fat cells to reduce body fat without damage to other tissues like nerves and arteries using Cryolipolysis (cooling energy).

Treatment areas include:

  • Belly
  • Arm
  • Waist
  • Back
  • Upper Back
  • Inner Thigh
  • Flanks